Due to the ongoing strikes, Air Hollywood is open for scouting by appointment only. Contact us to schedule yours.


July 8, 2017

iROZHLAS — Boeing, letušky a jídlo jako z minulého století. Hollywoodská restaurace připomíná zlatý věk létání

By Vojtěch Berger July 8, 2017 Original Story Šestadvacet let po krachu společnosti Pan American žije značka kdysi slavných aerolinek dál. I díky restauraci otevřené v Los Angeles, která připomíná zlatou éru létání. Retrovečeře ve věrné kopii Jumbo Jetu přijde na stejné peníze jako skutečná letenka. Na vstupenky se ale stojí fronty. A makety letadel Pan Am přibudou možná i v dalších amerických městech. Za letištní přepážkou stojí stevard v dobové uniformě, který ťuká do obstarožní klávesnice. Vydá palubní vstupenku, opatří ji gumovým razítkem a popřeje hezký let. Všechno jako na přelomu 60. a 70. let minulého století. A všude logo společnosti Pan Am, která už dávno nelétá. Dojem, že jsme o půlstoletí zpátky, nezkazí ani špalír letušek a rychlé bezpečnostní […]
July 10, 2017

TRAVEL + LEISURE — Airplane turbulence make you anxious? Try this trick

By Andrea Romano July 10, 2017 Original Story According to a special report by NBC News, over 20 million people suffer from aviophobia, or fear of flying. Takeoffs, landings and every noise and bump in the air can make people anxious while traveling, and after recent reports of severe turbulence sending people to the hospital, it’s easy to get nervous. However, there is one trick that can help you stay calm when turbulence hits: When those shakes and bumps start, just grab a pen and paper and write your name over and over. The trick is to do it with your nondominant hand. “Today Show” correspondent Jeff Rossen and producer Jovanna Billington put this trick to the test at Air […]
July 19, 2017

ENTORNO INTELIGENTE — Revista Exclusiva – Experiencia Pan Am, un Viaje Gourmet

By Hernan Porras July 19, 2017 Original Story La nostalgia es uno de los sentimientos que acompaña a los amantes de la aviación, y la razón es muy sencilla: en ningún terreno del conocimiento se ha activado con mejores efectos la imaginación y la creatividad. Conquistar los aires, lograr el sueño de Ícaro, emular a las aves y la libertad que simboliza el simple hecho de pilotear un aeroplano, es parte de toda la alegoría que la envuelve. Por eso, no es de extrañar que en la historia de la aviación tenga un lugar especial la compañía Pan American World Airways , mejor conocida como Pan Am , una empresa que operó por más de 60 años, y dejó una […]
August 15, 2017

SPECIAL EVENTS MAGAZINE — Venues with Verve: Cool New Venues for Your Next Special Event

By The Special Events Staff August 15, 2017 Original Story Air Hollywood in Los Angeles Believe it or not, there was a time when air travel was glamorous. It can be again, at the new Air Hollywood “Pan Am Experience.” A maximum of 56 guests get 1970s-style white-glove treatment in an exact replica of a Pan Am Boeing 747, complete with authentic glassware and china from the era, which are used to serve a five-course meal. At the end of the “flight,” passengers can take an optional tour of the various production sets at Air Hollywood, including the original cockpit from cult classic “Airplane!”
August 28, 2017

FOX NEWS TRAVEL — Airplane turbulence make you anxious? Try this trick

By Andrea Romano August 28, 2017 Original Story According to a special report by NBC News, over 20 million people suffer from aviophobia, or fear of flying. Takeoffs, landings and every noise and bump in the air can make people anxious while traveling, and after recent reports of severe turbulence sending people to the hospital, it’s easy to get nervous. However, there is one trick that can help you stay calm when turbulence hits: When those shakes and bumps start, just grab a pen and paper and write your name over and over. The trick is to do it with your nondominant hand. “Today Show” correspondent Jeff Rossen and producer Jovanna Billington put this trick to the test at Air […]
September 7, 2017

TRAVELWEEK — This simple trick will help curb your fear of flying

By Travelweek Group September 7, 2017 Original Story TORONTO — Here’s a life hack worth remembering the next time a client tells you about their fear of flying: bring a pen and paper onboard with you and write your name over and over again. But in order to help nervous fliers get over their aviophobia, the trick is to write your name with your nondominant hand. According to NBC News, using your nondominant hand will effectively divert your attention away from your current environment and disrupt normal thinking patterns. In other words, you’ll be more focused on writing your name legibly than on the remote chance of a plane crash. ‘Today Show’ correspondent Jeff Rossen and producer Jovanna Billington, who […]
October 10, 2017

TRAVEL PULSE — The Real and Imagined ‘Blade Runner 2049’ Locales

By Jason Leppert October 10, 2017 Original Story Do you want to visit a Los Angeles where Pan American still exists? In the new film “Blade Runner 2049,” the defunct airline’s logo still brightly adorns a metropolitan high-rise at night. Alas, this is science fiction, not reality. Even in the movie, no airplanes are to be seen coursing the skies besides flying cars, so perhaps it too is only a reference to the actual Pan Am Experience restaurant available in L.A. Nonetheless, Harrison Ford and Ryan Gosling’s latest is an intriguing cinematic ride through a future California and Nevada that does not yet and hopefully never will exist. Like the first film, the City of Angels is the main setting in […]
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