Due to the ongoing strikes, Air Hollywood is open for scouting by appointment only. Contact us to schedule yours.


April 3, 2015

KCRW RADIO — The Pan Am mystique lives on – in Pacoima (RADIO CLIP)

By Avishay Artsy April 3, 2015 Original Story Want to relive the golden years of aviation? In a warehouse miles from Hollywood, you’ll find a high-class tribute to the beloved airline Pan Am. Every other Saturday night, customers line up outside a warehouse in Pacoima to relive a nostalgic experience. As a small boy, said Anthony Toth, “I started collecting airplane models, and small things like timetables and luggage tags. But as I got older, the desire to have more and more aircraft things became greater and greater.” ‘Tears came to my eyes, because it was so real.’ So much so that Toth visited so-called airport graveyards in the deserts that sold larger pieces of fuselage … “sidewall panels, and overhead […]
April 7, 2015

YAHOO! STYLE — Blast From the Past— My Day as a PanAm Flight Attendant (VIDEO)

By Ko Im April 7, 2015 Original Story Being a flight attendant in the modern age of cranky passengers and tight quarters is no easy task. But what if you could turn back time to the glory days of flying? Being a flight attendant in the modern age of cranky passengers and tight quarters is no easy task. But what if you could turn back time to the glory days of flying? Air Hollywood makes those high-flying dreams come true every other Saturday night. The studio started offering simulated Pan Am flights last fall, and so far, every seat has been taken on a refurbished Boeing 747. The plane is decorated in vintage style, every dish is from the era, […]
April 10, 2015

DETIK TRAVEL — Begini Rasanya Makan Mewah di Pesawat Legendaris Tahun 1970-an

By Sri Anindiati Nursastri April 10, 2015 Original Story Los Angeles – Pan Am adalah salah satu maskapai legendaris paling berpengaruh di dunia. Meski berhenti beroperasi pada 1991, kini traveler bisa merasakan makan malam super mewah dengan setting pesawat Pan Am ala tahun 1970-an. Pan American World Airways (Pan Am) adalah maskapai asal AS yang berdiri pada 1927. Maskapai ini menyumbang banyak inovasi dan tren dalam dunia aviasi, termasuk seragam pilot lengkap dengan topi dan rambut bob ala pramugari. Wisatawan yang ingin nostalgia, atau ingin merasakan masa keemasan Pan Am bisa datang ke Air Hollywood di Los Angeles, California, AS. Pan Am Experience, begitu namanya, memungkinkan Anda merasakan agenda makan mewah ala pesawat Pan Am di tahun 1970-an. Mengutip situs resmi […]
April 18, 2015

KQED NEWS: THE CALIFORNIA REPORT — The Pan Am Mystique Lives on — in Pacoima (AUDIO CLIP)

By Avishay Artsy April 18, 2015 Original Story Want to relive the golden years of aviation? In a warehouse miles from Hollywood, you’ll find a high-class tribute to the beloved airline Pan Am. Every other Saturday night, customers line up outside a warehouse in Pacoima to relive a nostalgic experience. As a small boy, said Anthony Toth, “I started collecting airplane models, and small things like timetables and luggage tags. But as I got older, the desire to have more and more aircraft things became greater and greater.” So much so that Toth visited so-called airport graveyards in the deserts that sold larger pieces of fuselage … “sidewall panels, and overhead bins, and galley modules and seats. And as I […]
May 3, 2015

APEX — Pan Am Fan Clubs

By Caroline Ku May 3, 2015 Original Story Twenty-four years after the demise of the legendary airline, Pan American World Airways is still riding on the coattails of Jet Age nostalgia. PAN AM VIRTUAL MUSEUM Everything Pan Am is a virtual museum run by Kelly Cusack, who started at the airline as a baggage handler and made his way up to the executive level. Cusack owns more than 5,000 items of Pan Am memorabilia, and his website painstakingly archives any aircraft object, group, or piece of history associated with Pan Am. PAN AM EXPERIENCE The Pan Am Experience by Air Hollywood reenacts every aspect of what it was like to travel as a Pan Am passenger — except for the […]
May 6, 2015

APEX — Mike Kelley Wants to Photograph Your Airplane (VIDEO)

By Caroline Ku May 6, 2015 Original Story Mike Kelley was perusing the Internet when he learned about a guy who had spent two decades of his life collecting Pan Am paraphernalia to replicate the airline’s 747 cabin that was sitting in his garage. As someone who finds himself “browsing the web at 2 a.m. looking up articles on aviation and aviation history,” he was intrigued. “That is what I have to shoot,” he recalls in a video interview. As an architecture and interiors photographer whose work is featured in magazines like Real Simple and Dwell, Kelley planned to shoot the mock cabin the way he photographs houses and apartments, but Anthony Toth, owner of the Pan Am Experience by […]
May 6, 2015

THE INDEPENDENT — The Pan Am Experience is a ‘flight’ back to the 1970s that never takes off-at least not literally

By Tim Walker May 6, 2015 Original Story Tim Walker checks in and checks out a four-hour journey with a difference. The flight is on time, the seats are capacious, the drinks are free and plentiful. The stewardesses are beautiful and beautifully dressed. The in-flight meal is a perfectly pink-centred chateaubriand. This probably doesn’t sound like any commercial flight you’ve ever been on – or, at least, not in the past 35 years. That’s because the Pan Am Experience is a first-class trip to the 1970s. Yes, nostalgia is in the air – or rather, on the ground – at Air Hollywood, a studio in Los Angeles that specialises in aircraft sets. This is where the famous in-flight scenes from […]
May 8, 2015

DIE PRESSE — Viel schöner als fliegen

By Georg Weindl May 8, 2015 Original Story Air Hollywood ist keine Airline und die Boeing 747 auch nur eine Attrappe. Bei der Pan Am Experience genießen die Passagiere First-Class-Nostalgie der 1970er-Jahre. Nur geflogen wird nicht. Es gab einmal eine Zeit vor gefühlten hundert Jahren, da hatten die Menschen hierzulande etwas, was sich heute keiner mehr vorstellen kann: eine große Leidenschaft fürs Fliegen. Es war die teuerste und luxuriöseste Art, um die Welt zu reisen. Selbst ein Flug von Wien an die Adria hatte etwas Exotisches und verschlang locker ein halbes Monatsgehalt. Die Piloten in ihren dunklen Uniformen und den sportlichen Sonnenbrillen genossen einen Starkult, wie ihn heute nur noch die Fußballer von Real Madrid erreichen. Stewardessen mit ihren eleganten Kostümen […]
May 28, 2015

NOMASCOACH.com — The World’s Most Experienced Airline – The Pan Am Experience

By Jon Nickel-D’Andrea May 28, 2015 Original Story Just north of Burbank, CA in a sleepy little town called Pacoima stands Air Hollywood, a set full of airplane fuselages, cockpits, and one special hangar, the Pan Am Experience! For the uninitiated, Pan Am was born in 1927 and since its fall in 1991, it has grown to have a following of aficionados and airplane buffs who yearn for a time when airplane travel truly was glamorous and fancy. Air Hollywood started offering the Pan Am experience last year, and has been selling out tickets for every departure within about 15 minutes of their offering. Demand is high, and for good reason. Who wouldn’t want to go back to a time when […]
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