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November 17, 2014

K-EARTH 101 — New Pan Am Dinner Experience Takes You Back In Time To Golden Age Of Travel

By Britt Bickel November 17, 2014 Original Story Longing for the days when air travel was once a glamorous experience? Nostalgic for the days when there was plenty of leg room on flights and you didn’t have to fight for the arm rests with your seat-mate?  Well, thanks to a new dining experience, you can transport back to this golden age of travel with Air Hollywood’s Pan Am Experience. The Los Angeles based studio, which is home to the World’s Largest Aviation-Themed Film Studio, has taken a replica Pan Am 747 and restored it to its 1970s elegance complete with actors in full ’70s-era uniforms serving up a four-course meal, according to Mashable. “For the first time since Pan Am […]
November 18, 2014

MASHABLE — Time travel to the 1970s for one night on a Pan Am airplane (VIDEO)

By Jessica Plautz November 18, 2014 Original Story If you have flown economy class on an airline recently, you don’t need to be reminded that the standard of service has plummeted in recent years. Complimentary items are few and far between; the space between seats keeps shrinking; the actual seats are getting smaller as airlines remove that pesky padding to make room for even more seats. Some airlines now charge for a soda and space in the overhead bin. But it wasn’t always this way. One Los Angeles-based company is playing into travelers’ nostalgia for a more stylish era of air travel. For the first time since Pan Am ceased operations, you can now “relive the magic of this golden era […]
November 19, 2014

EL COMERCIO — Viaje al pasado: Revive la experiencia de volar en los años 70

By EC Staff November 19, 2014 Original Story The Pan Am Experience promete llevarte a le época más lujosa de la aviación comercial pero sin dejar la tierra. Antiguamente abordar un avión no era tan habitual como ahora. Solo las personas adineradas podían costearse un pasaje aéreo y volar era sinónimo de estilo: vestirse con los mejores trajes, lucir las joyas más extravagantes, disfrutar de un elegante menú y de un servicio insuperable. The Pan Am Experience es una atracción que te permitirá volver al pasado durante unas horas y disfrutar de todo este lujo. Pan Am es la abreviación de Pan American World Airways, la aerolínea más importante de Estados Unidos que trabajó desde 1930 hasta inicio de los […]
November 20, 2014

LA WEEKLY — Want to Go Back in Time and Fly First Class in a Pan Am 747? Now You Can

By Brian Sumers November 20, 2014 Original Story On Saturday, for the first time in decades, Rick Collins put on his Pan Am captain’s uniform with four gold epaulettes on the shoulders and boarded one of his airline’s Boeing 747s. The jacket was a bit snug but Collins hardly minded, given the evening’s nostalgia factor. Collins met his wife, a Pan Am flight attendant, on a 747 flight from New York to Los Angeles. Back in 1988, he was trying to be helpful, stowing a stroller for a passenger. “She was a little annoyed a rookie pilot would take her closet,” he said. “I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, I pissed her off.’?” Chagrined, he left for the plane’s upper […]
November 21, 2014

LAIST — Pop-Up Dinner In Replica Pan Am Plane Transports Folks To The ’70s

by Jean Trinh Nov 21, 2014 Original Story Airlines aren’t what they used to be. With the cramped seats and having to pay to check our luggage, we can’t help but long for those good old days—like the kind of experience you would get from a Pan Am flight. For the nostalgic types, there’s the “Pan Am Experience” in Pacoima that lets you pretend for a few hours that you’re a passenger on a Pan Am flight from the ’70s (without ever taking off), complete with cocktails, a four-course meal and stewardess service. Air Hollywood, a production studio with aviation-themed film sets, is housing the four-hour “Pan Am Experience” that runs from about $300 to $350 a ticket. It comes […]
November 29, 2014

FREE MALAYSIA TODAY — Pop-up event replicates glory days of air travel aboard Pan Am flight

By AFP RelaxNews November 29, 2014 Original Story A Hollywood film studio has recreated the glory days of air travel for aviation enthusiasts by replicating the dining experience aboard a Pan Am Boeing 747 when flying was still a sophisticated affair. Before no-frills airlines made air travel accessible to the masses, and before passengers boarded flights in sweatpants and shorts, air travel used to be a glamorous affair, when flyers donned suits and skirts and flying was reserved for the world’s elite. With meticulous detail, Los Angeles film studio Air Hollywood has recreated the flying experience aboard a Boeing 747 from one of the airline industry’s most iconic and fabled carriers, Pan American World Airways — better known as Pan […]
December 1, 2014

LE SOIR — Revivre les années 70 à bord d’un avion de la Panam

By AFP December 1, 2014 Original Story Un studio hollywoodien offre la possibilité de revivre l’âge d’or de l’aviation américaine à bord d’un Boeing 747, lorsque prendre l’avion était encore réservé à l’élite, dans les années 1970. Avec un souci très poussé du détail, le studio Air Hollywood a entièrement recréé l’expérience de vol à bord d’un avion de la compagnie américaine Pan American World Airways – plus connue sous le nom de Pan Am – en offrant un voyage dans le temps dans les années 70. A noter que la Pan Am a cessé toutes activités en 1991. La soirée “Pan Am Experience” débute par un faux comptoir d’enregistrement, où chaque invité se voit remettre une carte d’embarquement datée […]
March 1, 2015

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LIFE MAGAZINE — Come Fly With Me – A Retro Air Experience That Harkens Back to Aviation’s Golden Era

By Erika Thomas March/April 2015 Original Story Take one part aviation geek, one part Hollywood production, combine them with chateaubriand and manhattans served up by stewardesses decked out in powder blue uniforms and you’ve got the Pan Am Experience. “I became obsessed with aviation at a very young age. I took my first Pan Am flight in 1971 at four years old, going from J.F.K. to Zurich. The minute I walked on board and saw the giant winding staircase, red carpet and two beautiful girls in matching outfits, that was it,” says Anthony Toth, Founder and CEO of Pan Am Experience. “Before I could really put it into words, the glamour of the Pan Am brand had resonated with me, […]
March 17, 2015

LOS ANGELES MAGAZINE — Pan Am’s Selling Out a Secret “Flight” From the Valley to Nowhere

By Stefan G. Bucher March 17, 2015 Original Story Pan Am may have collapsed in 1991, but that doesn’t mean vintage air-travel enthusiasts can no longer enjoy what was once the largest air carrier in the country. Air Hollywood’s “Pan Am Experience” offers a simulacrum of the Jet Age—and in a style convincing enough to make their “flights” sell out months in advance. I signed up the minute I heard about these events from a designer friend. I’ve always loved flying, even in its current denatured state, and the thought of experiencing the heyday of jet travel was too good to pass up. After walking the red carpet, past a scale model of the giant LAX letters that welcome tourists from […]
March 28, 2015

THE SACRAMENTO BEE — Discoveries: The Pan Am Experience a flight to the past (VIDEO)

By Sam McManus March 28, 2015 Original Story PACOIMA Anyone can grouse and moan about his perfectly hideous airline experience, his personal flight from hell, replete with tales of woe concerning cancellations and delays, TSA body-cavity searches, cramped seating next to a hirsute man in a tank top and flip-flops, surly peanut-hurling cabin service, added charges for everything from baggage to, seemingly, the very ions of the air you breathe. Where’s the originality in that? Me? I’m here to tell you about the obverse. I’m going to describe a perfectly lovely flight I took recently, one that even the most devout atheist would call heavenly. From the moment I stepped into the terminal, on through the check-in process, boarding lounge […]
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